Bot menu or Chat bot Chat API
Menu Bot is a basic chatbot that you can use at no additional cost and that comes with the messengers API.
To configure the bot, you do not need to use the documentation, the working interface of the Bot menu itself is sufficient.
By default, our demo data will be used, which you can easily change or return to them, if necessary, simply by clicking on the button "Use demo data"
For the chatbot to work, you need to select the instance from which messages will be sent.
Pay attention to the following features:
1 - "Do not respond to unknown commands in the group" - if you do not enable this function, then your bot will respond with a start message to all unknown commands that it will read from the participants in the dialogue or group.
2 - "Disable starting text" - whether your bot will send a greeting message to new participants in the dialogue or group depends on this function.
3 - "Disable response to an unknown command" - activates the ability to issue a response to an unknown command. It is possible to write a response to an unknown command in the bot menu, so that your bot would be more varied in interacting with people.
The chatbot is capable of sending various types of messages and files.
1 - Text messages - write the text that your clients will receive in the "text message" window so that your bot will send this information later.
2 - Files - files of any format. You can download them, then the file size should not exceed 60 mb, or use a public link when sending messages.
3 - Geolocation - just specify the required point on the map or latitude and longitude, and you can send clients geolocation.
4 - Audio messages - use the OGG format with OPUS encoding.
5 - Contacts - with the help of a chatbot it is possible to receive contacts. The client, having chosen the necessary command, can send you his contact through the bot with a pre-generated comment, for example, with a request to contact on a specific request.
You can learn more about the chatbot in our tutorial video: