How do I unblock my messengers number?
Blocking a number is always an unpleasant situation, especially if the number was associated with the company's business processes. At the same time, if this is the first such blocking of the number, then the number can be unlocked.
Types of messengers locks
You can divide the locks into two types. The first is a soft or temporary lock, when temporary restrictions are imposed on the number, usually for a day. After a day with, you can again send messages and work with the messenger.
The second lock is permanent, the number can no longer be used either in messengers applications or in the messengers Business API.
What could have caused the messengers number to be blocked?
As a rule, the reasons may be as follows:
1-Sending messages to users who are not in your contact list;
2-Mass distribution of a single message to many subscribers;
3-Customer complaints or customers marking your messages as unwanted. When you write to a client for the first time, he may mark your messages as spam. Therefore, it is necessary to build communication in such a way that the client writes to you first or is interested in communication;
4-Create several groups or channels and add users there not from the contact list. This action also leads to the account being blocked;
5-Mass sending of messages to users who are located in a country that is not from the one where the mailing list is coming from. In other words, messengers does not believe that you can have such a large number of friends from countries where you do not physically live;
6-Violation of the rules and requirements of the messengers policy. For example, it is impossible to distribute goods or services prohibited by the policy (alcohol, weapons, medical advice, financial pyramids, etc.) through the messenger.
There are also more exotic reasons for blocking:
1-Long absence from the program (more than six months);
2-Illegal communication on behalf of another person;
3-Violation of property rights.
In our practice, the most common reason for bans is sending a large number of messages, that is, spam mailing or an attempt to send several hundred messages at once.
What should I do in case of a ban?
If we are talking about a soft bath, then the easiest way is to wait until messengers removes the restrictions.
In the case of a permanent ban, there are actually not so many options. You will need to write to the messengers support service and appeal the blocking. Indicate that you have not violated the messengers policy and this is some kind of error. As a rule, the first time messengers goes to a meeting and removes the lock, but it does not give a second chance, so read our recommendations for working with the service – Recommendations for working with messengers.
If this is the second blocking of your number, then you will find an article about further actions in case of blocking - If the number could not be unlocked. What should I do before connecting a new messengers number?
We hope this information was useful to you and will help you in further work.